Author: Al Fatah


How do Drainage Systems Work in UAE?

 Why do we need drainage systems? We need to properly corral and disperse water runoff in order to water our vegetation without drowning it. The collected water is also used to replenish a town's freshwater supply. Water becomes more contaminated the longer it sits on a surface. Surface drainage systems


Best Drainage Solutions in the UAE

Al Fatah International Trading LLC. is rated as the best building materials or constructions materials supplier in the UAE. Best Drainage Solution in UAE Al-Fatah is the best drainage solution in UAE. For All Types of Drain Services in Dubai, Hire Reliable Experts from Alfatah International. Our Experienced Drainage Specialists


Manhole covers, Grating & JRC Covers in UAE

Al Fatah International is one of the largest stockists of Ductile Iron (D.I.) , Cast Iron (C.I.), Gratings, JRC & Manhole Cover suppliers in UAE.  A manhole is an opening used as an access point for the most typical underground structures used by maintenance utilities to enable access to installed